Friday, April 20, 2012



My new weigh in day is Friday.

So today was my 2nd weigh in since I have started WW.

I lost 3 pounds!!!!!

Praise baby Jesus that freakin' number finally went down. I was nervous. I stepped on the scale (butt azz neked) this morning and closed my eyes. I opened one eye to see the verdict. When I saw that I had lost three pounds I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled mouthing "no way!"

So I stepped on 3 more times.

Yep. 3 pounds!

That, my friends, is why I love Weight Watchers.

You follow the rules and it works. Simple.

I followed the rules for the most part during my first week. I really need to stop drinking so much alcohol. Not sure how to do that, as I love it so much. Not that I am always drinking to get drunk, but when I get home I like to unwind with a few beers or a couple glasses of wine.

That's all fine and dandy now, but once I hit a plateau I'm gonna have to figure something out.

Buuuut in the mean time......I FINALLY lost some weight.

How bout that?

I digress......

I have a funny story for you.

When I started this "journey" [that sounds so cheesy] I took some before pictures of myself, fully intending on NEVER. SHOWING THEM. TO. ANYONE. Unless of course I lose 50 pounds and someone pays me for the rights to my before and after pictures. Because, ya know, that's totally feasable.

Well I finally got my laptop fixed so I was uploading all my pictures from the past several months on it, while sitting next to Will. Aaaaand guess what pictures popped up!?!? I xed out really fast but he was all"

"What was that? Why do you have pictures of you in your bra on there? Are you sending those to people?"
Oh my god. He ACTUALLY thought I was trying to take SEXY pictures in my sports bra and belly that looks like I am 8 months pregnant. And that I was actually sending them to people. Then I had to explain to him what they were.

Think my face got red at all?


Which is totally the reaction I would expect from anyone seeing those pictures.

Know what else makes me happy? Him. In general. I have a lil' crush on this man. :)

That is all. Thank you to my 2 readers for reading.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Well....I officially joined Weight Watchers

Look at me! Posting twice in one day. But I have some [semi] exciting news! [hehe. semi.]

After griping to my sis about how annoyed I am with the amount of Weight I have [not] lost, she suggested I go back on WW. And actually do it/pay for it.

Being that I had some money at the moment, I WEIGHED (ha.ha.) my options. The pros certainly out WEIGHED the cons. (sorry.)
  • Stricter rules to follow (which sounds like a con, but NOT when you're trying to lose weight. I need to be told what to do!)
  • It is the ONLY program I have ever lost weight on (and only when I was paying for it.. hmph)
  • Fruits and veggies are generally 0 points. Me likey.
  • Mobile apps! Of course, I don't have any on my bitchin' Blackberry right now, but once I get my upgrade and can replace this POS I will be appn' it up. I remember the calculator on my Droid being my savior when grocery shopping. I don't like snacks that are full of empty carbs that are worth 4 points. Uhnothanx.
  • Exercise points. I can get some precious food points back just for exercising. If eating more food isn't motivation to run, I don't know what is. [That was my inner fat girl, forgive her.]
  • They will stop harrassing me asking me to come back. I'm back now.
    • On that note, I got 4 months for the price of 3 months! Thanks Weight Watchers!
  • Stricter rules to follow (so I CAN'T eat red meat for dinner every night? and then ice cream for dessert? followed by pounding a beer? That's nuts.)
  • Keeping up with my food log
  • The fact that I don't have a smart phone at the moment
  • Sweet, sweet money
  • Their food database drives me crazy. I mean.. how do they not have all the Smart Ones meals on there? They are WEIGHT WATCHERS MEALS. Jeeeeeeeze.
That is all, folks. Here I go. And by GOLLY I will lose 20 lbs by July.

Thunder Thigh Thursday & Frustration

Weighed in today.
It's the exact. same. number. that I have been seeing for the past 4 weeks.

And I know why. The dangum weekends.
I can't control myself!

How do I stay on track?

I need to figure it out because I've got less than 2 weeks left at this job with a "normal" schedule then I'm back to working late nights again.

My GOAL this weekend is to stay on track. No pizza. If I go out to eat, I'm getting a salad. And so on......

I'm still working on week 3 of the C25k program because I'm still really struggling with it. I'm struggling to go 3 times a week, and when I go it's REALLY hard. It's hard to run up those little hills in my neighborhood. They look innocent. But they're EVIL.

Who wants to buy me a tredmill? Pretty please? With a cherry on top?

I'm getting kinda discouraged.......but I know the reason I have not progressed is my fault. I still feel like I am eating healthier 90% of the time, exercising more than I was before I should be seeing SOME sort of difference. But nothing. I least the scale isn't going up, I guess.

I was looking at pictures from highschool last night and HOLY LORD was I skinny. And I thought I was fat. Please don't tell me that one day I'm going to look back on pictures of me now and think I was skinny.

Well, going to get pedicures with my sister tonight so I won't likely be running. Even though I intended on running today. I don't want to put yucky sneakers on my freshly painted toes. I wonder if there are any exercises I can do without wearing shoes? ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 3.. part Deux

Okay.. so to be honest, week 3 didn't go well for me last week. I only ran once! I am ashamed of myself, really.

Not to mention I had major issues at my good friend Kari's bridal shower Saturday. My friend Anna and I overslept. We didn't have time for breakfast so by the time we got to the shower I. Was. Starving.

Bad idea kids. Whenever you let your body get that hungry you have absolutely nothing telling you to be conscious of what you are putting in your mouth. I just ate and ate and ate until I felt miserable.

I had a salad.

Half a chicken ceasar wrap (with dressing on the side)

About 5 of these little guys. Then I went back and got like.. 8 more.

Oh. And then.....a nice big fat piece of chocolate cheesecake!

Way to go!

When I say I felt miserable, that was an understatement. I mean....there were def. options for me there to eat healthy. Why didn't I?? I waited way too long to eat. Lesson learned.

I'm going to try and start carrying snacks around with me so this does not happen to me again. If I had a protein bar to hold me off on the way there, I would not have attacked the food like a homeless child who had not eaten in weeks.

I started back with my running yesterday though. It was soo much easier for me cus you know what y'all?

I bought myself a gift. :-D

Okay, so it still wasn't easy. But it made it less awkward for me. I couldn't hear myself breathing heavily. Who cares if my geriatric neighbors do? I don't. I could sing along with the songs to regulate breathing and I had a pace to run to! It EVEN made me run more than I needed to for the week 3 program! No, I'm not going any faster but I'm going. And that's all that matters to me

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to work this lil gadget though. I like that it has Nike + already installed on it so I can keep track of how far I have gone/how fast etc. It makes me wanna run again today and beat myself, and that's always good! It's not too hot out today. I've gotta go meet the girls I nannied for to give them their easter baskets, but I can go before!

No excuses!

I also got a bunch of new running gear from good ol Wal*Mart.

I got a new sports bra- SO much better than the one I had:

I also got some new running shorts (a little snug now, hopefully they will fit soon) some running tops, and some running capris. They sure made me feel official!

So I fell down, but I'm getting back up. AND I will keep getting back up. I have to.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Week 3

Well no one read my last hopefully you will NEVER find out how naughty I was.

I have been battling with the scale this week. I haven't been eating poorly (ehem.. since Sunday night) but it appears as though my weight has gone up to my initial weight from 2 weeks ago. This does NOT make me happy. I feel like I've been working hard.. even if I do slip once in a while. It's really discouraging but.. going back to my previous was will DEF. not help me lose weight.

So I will continue.

I am PMSing this week so..ya know.. it could have something to do with that. Also, stay away from me if you know what is good for you, mkay? :)

So Monday I ended up in a really ugly mood. I  got home and just crawled in my bed and slept for 3 hours instead of running. It made me feel a little better but I'd probably felt better if I had RAN.

I did start week 3 yesterday. It was hard. I REALLY wish I had an iPod to use... that would make it so much easier. I found myself singing "Can I Get A..." (Jayz, duh) to myself during the 2nd 3 minute jog to keep my mind off of what I was doing.

HOW am I going to run 30 minutes nonstop? That's the goal, isn't it? Even 1/10th of that had me out of breath yesterday.

In other news, I still have not gotten my tax returns. This is angering me. I have no iPod. Oh, and NO gas in my car. And $5 in my account. It has been 5 business days, WTF!?

I'm an impatient person.

Well.......week 3, day 2 today ya'll. Wish me luck. And Weigh in tomorrow. Ugh. Don't be surprised if my little ticker --------------> over there goes up and saus GAINED 5 lbs. BLAH.

Monday, March 26, 2012

I was naughty

Happy Monday, all! Hope everyone had a good weekend. I did! Of course I did....I cheated.

Friday night I DIDN'T run and went to drink beer and watch basketball instead. But I was pretty good at dinner and only had a Smart Ones burger and half a serving of Pop Chips.

Then I got drunk and my boyfriend made me a Lean Pocket at 3am. Whoops.

Saturday was nice. I slept in, which is always amazing. Then I took my beau to work and went to meet my friend Laura. We went for a long walk in Hugh McRae park. I didn't jog any but we walked for a LONG time! Then we came back to my house for dinner where I made chicken kebabs and spinach orzo with feta. Yum.

Then I drank an entire bottle of red wine.

Somehow ended up at my beau's house and slept allllllllll day Sunday. I woke up feeling like garb. and STARVING by the way. So I took him to work and headed straight for Taco Bell.

Horrible. HORRIBLE. Decision. (because I was so starving.)

I completely over ate and to be honest, the Doritos taco? Not that great. Pretty much tasted like a regular taco.

So needless to say the scale was not very nice to me this morning. BUT I fully intend on running today. And tomorrow. And Wednesday. And Thursday.

I'm REALLY sore from our walk on Saturday but I'm still gonna go. Yeah, sore from a walk? I was suprised too.

I am starting week 3 of the C25K today. I only ran 3 days last week (week 2) but I'm still going to move on with the program. Hopefully I don't die. Week three goes like this:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:
  • Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
  • Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
  • Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
  • Walk 400 yards (or 3 minutes)

I'm kinda scared of this ya'll. I mean it doesn't SEEM like a lot....but I'm a bit out of shape, ya know!

I really need to work on being more responsible on the weekends. That means.. stop drinking so much and making bad decisions. Anyone who knows me knows that this is not an easy thing for me to do.

I usually drink every night. Not like DRUNK drink but have a couple. I've been trying to cut it out during the week. Last week I didn't do so great. But I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep trying and I'm not going to stay mad at myself for pigging out on Taco Bell on Sunday. Today is a new day. It is also the start of a new week. A week where I'm going to be GOOD and lose a couple of pounds!

Oh so I'm thinking of buying this treadmill with my tax return. What do ya'll think?

Friday, March 23, 2012

My best friend is a bitch.

Do you know what this bitch sent me???

This picture:

With the caption "What CHOO think ima get?"

H8 her.

H8 her hard.

I hope her toilet explodes later.

Love you, bitch!